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It is an honor to serve as the State Senator for the 9th Senate District, and I am proud of everything we have accomplished over the past four years. We have made great progress in moving our state in a much more fiscally responsible direction — turning a $3.6 billion deficit into a $1 billion surplus. Thanks to this prudent fiscal management, our government can now provide realistic and sustainable funding commitments for important government programs like education, health care and transportation while providing necessary tax relief for the hard working families and retirees of our state. In addition to these important budgetary matters, we have also made Wisconsin more competitive and friendly for job creation and economic development, improved our election laws, reformed our entitlement programs and strengthened the rights of private-property owners and law-abiding citizens.
We have accomplished a lot, but there is more work to be done and that is why I am so excited about seeking re-election in 2014. Of course, this decision was not made lightly. Without a doubt, it has been an intense time in our state legislature — not only for those of us that serve, but for our families as well. While the progress we have made has been supported by most, those opposed have tried to stop or imped our efforts through vulgar insult and intense intimidation, including protests at our home and death threats against me, my wife and our three young children.
While challenging, the experience has been extremely rewarding. It has been a distinct pleasure to serve with my colleagues in the Capitol as we have worked hard to follow through on the commitments we made to the voters back in 2010.
I plan to officially kick-off my re-election campaign in the next couple of months. Today, I am inviting you to learn more about my legislative record, review my goals for the next session and consider joining my re-election team. Please click on the Team Leibham - Election 2014 Support Form button below to learn more about how you can help out. I would also ask you to consider making a financial investment in my campaign by clicking the red Contribute Now button. Your investment today will help me establish a solid financial foundation for our campaign effort over the next seven months. A contribution of $100, $50 or whatever you can afford will ensure that we have the resources to run an effective re-election effort.
My goal is to again run a grassroots campaign that is strongly funded by good friends and local supporters like you. Of course, this will only be possible if you are motivated to help out.
Serving as your State Senator is a humbling responsibility and so is the decision to seek re-election. I would not be doing this, nor would I ask for your financial support if I wasn't 100% committed and convinced that together we can continue to make a positive difference for the future of our state.
The support, prayers, encouragement and friendships offered to date have sustained me and my family over the past four years and your participation and investment today will strengthen my resolve as I campaign for re-election and continue my efforts to move our state forward.
Joe Leibham
State Senator
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